Time doesn’t stop for no one, regardless of your social
status, looks or the people you might know life is life and it’s a beautiful mysterious cycle, often
times it takes you by surprise & BaAnNg before you know it, you either grow old or death strikes. Yet
I’ve realized the importance of taking life day by day, appreciating the beauty
of living day by day and the importance of appreciating the small things… the hidden
beauty of each individual day, may
it via connections, interactions, nature, expressions. Through my mystic dreams
and past encounters this week I’ve realized that I need to once again get into
my spiritual path & I’ve developed this thirst for a deeper understanding
of reality and the present, I hope to better express my inner emotions in a
positive light & I urge any of my readers to question things/institutions/lifestyles & embrace the present for the now is all we have. And I highly suggest you give
AcidMotherTemle&TheMeltingParaisoU.F.O a listen because they’re just
fucking amazing beyond words.
One of my favorite pass times is surfing the web, & randomly finding photographers work & getting stuck at their websites for hours browsing through their different work. And today i’ve been stuck browsing through Ben Trogdon (an Olympia based photographer) wicked work, check out his website here!
I took a much needed mini-vacation to San Francisco, where I ate amazing food, saw amazing live performances, drank, danced, laughed, & meet new souls. This trip made me realize how much I love SF, & how I need to move out there asap! The city just feels so much more culturally alive than Los(t)Angeles. I love how anyone can day drink in parks/themuni, how people seem more free, how one can walk around nude down Dolores Park. The city just filled me up with inspiration + I had amazing adventures with great friends! Oh SF how I long to return to you!